![]() | When I grow up, I wanna be juuuust like Paula. | |
![]() | Well, I wanted to play with Paula, but she's gone somewhere... | |
![]() | Paula is like a mother to me. You may not be able to comprehend my emotions. I might have a baby face, but I possess the mind of an adult. I beg your pardon. | |
![]() | Whistle, whistle anywhere. It makes me smile all the while. I'm Paula's mother. I'm busy taking care of these kids. You shouldn't worry about Paula. She has a guardian angel, it seems. | |
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So, you wanna see Paula ? Many come here to see her miraculous powers, but they're just leeches. So... are you from a TV station, or what ? ↓ |
(Yes) Please leave. My daughter doesn't want to talk to media monkeys like you. |
(No) To meet you or not to meet you can only be decided by aula. Paula has said that she would only meet with a boy named Ness. So you're Ness ! You're the one that was in Paula's dream. You will save the world ! Let me go call Paula. |
She doesn't seem to be here. I wonder where she went ? I'm sorry, could you come back later ? Now where did she go ? I'm sorry, could you come back after a wile ? P P Paula's not home yet. Everdred in Burglin Park might know something. Oh, boy ! Now I'm really worried. P P Paula !! Where are you ? It's time for a yummy piece of pie ! |
![]() | (Home of Orange Kid, inventor) |
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Greetings. I'm Orange Kid, the inventor. Have you heard of me ? I'm a bit embarrassed about my reputation. I have a lot of inventions in development, but I'm running short of cash. I'm basically a happy-go-lucky person, so I'm not worried. You know, I'm working on this machine that would really help you in Peaceful Rest Valley. I hope it's ready soon... What ? You're actually willing to help finance the project ? ↓ |
(Yes) Oh goody ! Would it be okay to get $200 to buy materials ? ↓ |
(No) I guess I was just too hopeful. Oh well, never mind. |
(Yes) Thank you very much ! Your support should have a tremendous impact on all mankind. Let me give you my new "Super Orange Machine." I call it 'Suporma" for short. (Ness got the Suporma.) Please use it for spreading peace and goodwill on Earth. |
(No) I guess I was just too hopeful. Oh well, never mind. |
(When Ness don't have enough money) What ?! You don't have that much money ? Well, perhaps you shouldn't be yappin' about having cash then, buddy. (Goods is full) Ah ha ! You have too many items. I hope you'll accept the Suporma, even if you have to toss some of your food... I'm hard at work... don't worry, my brilliant invention will be ready soon. Okay, okay... I'll get back to work ! |
![]() | (Home of Apple Kid, inventor) |
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Well, I have sort of neglected doing my housework... I know it's a bit of a pig sty, but anyway... I'm Apple Kid. I haven't taken a bath in quite a while, so I may be kind of stinky. By the way, I'm starving. Do you have something to eat ? If you do, can I have some ? ↓ |
(Yes) What can you give me ? Please choose something edible... I'm not a garbage can, you know. Thanks. You seem very nice. Uh, I wonder if... Maybe you would like to invest some money in my inventions ? ↓ |
(No) Well, go ahead and make yourself comfortable anyway. You can flop down anywhere. |
(Yes) Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Oh. Excuse me. I mean thank you ! By the way, I could really use $200. ↓ |
(Yes) Thank you. I won't let you down. |
(No) Well, go ahead and make yourself comfortable anyway. You can flop down anywhere. |
(When Ness don't have enough money) Oh, you don't have any money, do you ? Well, go ahead and make yourself comfortable anyway. You can flop down anywhere. Maybe you shouldn't spend too much time wandering around Twoson. It seems like you are expecting something from me. |
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I am a mouse. No one has given me a name yet. I am a mouse. No one has given me a name yet. You took care of my master. In return, I want to give you this. Please take it and say nothing. (Ness got the Receiver phone.) Oh ! I must be in your way ! ""zziipp !"" (Goods is full) Unfortunately, you have too many items. Therefore, I can't give this to you. |
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「あなたは僕に投資してくれませんでしたが、 匿名の方から何百万億ドルの寄付の申し込みがあったんですよ! あなたも50ドルばかり投資しますか?」 ↓ |
はい 「ありがとうありがとう。 これは世界的に意味のある 行いと言えます!」 |
いいえ 「あ、ごめんなさい、お互い 聞かなかった事にしましょう。」 |
「さっそく完成したばかりの「グレートオレンジマシーン」 略称…「グレオレマシーン」を差し上げましょう!」 (ネスはグレオレマシーンを手に入れた) 「世界の平和のために役立ててください。」 (お金がない場合) 「エッ?!まさか…お金がない? あなた、口先ばっかりの人間みたいですね。」 (アイテムがいっぱい) 「ああ、荷物がいっぱいのようですね。 食べ物のひとつやふたつ捨ててでもマシーンを持っていってほしいなぁ…。」 |
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Now wait a minute, youngster ! I could give you a great hint for just $50. You'd like a hint, wouldn't you ? ↓ |
(Yes) Have you been to Apple Kid and Orange Kid's houses ? Their places are south of the Polestar Preschool. They are great inventors ...to be. They need some financial help. If you help them ...later, for sure, without fail, certainly, something wonderful will happen. Believe me, this hint is worth a lot more than you paid. That's it for today. Do you want to hear the hint once more ? This is a special service just for you... |
(No) So you're telling me that you don't want a hint ? You're either awfully confident or $50 is too much to pay. Anyway, a young man like you is very unusual these days. If you happen to need a hint, c'mon back ! I'm here all the time... |
(When Ness don't have enough money) Oh, you don't have any money. Don't you understand ? This is how I make my living... I can't just give you a hint for free, kid. |
![]() | (One of the biggest markets you'll ever find --now in Burglin Park.) |
![]() | The boss of Burglin Park is Everdred. He's got ties to burglaries and kidnappings in this area. He's a scary guy. | |
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Everdred has always watched over Burglin Park. That's why we don't have to bribe any crooked cops. |
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I came to buy condiments... I wonder what would be good... The right condiment makes a dish taste better, while the wrong one makes it taste worse. If the condiment matches the food, you will get more power than if you ate the food item plain. |
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Hello ! Would you like some seasonings to add to your foods at meal time ? They are really quite miraculous ! Whenever you eat something, the seasonings will sprinkle automatically. They come in these cute little packets and jars. What kind do you like ? (MENU) You want the Ketchup packet ? Thank you. Do you want to buy anything else ? ↓ |
(Yes) What kind do you like ? |
(No) Come again. |
(Goods is full) You already have the maximum number of things you can carry. You're going to have to sell some things, or just throw them away. Then come again. |
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Of course, Everdred isn't a good person, but he's actually quite warm-hearted for a crime boss. |
![]() | It makes me feel good to just sit and look at my pots... ...I like pots, but what I really want is the tool shop "For Sale" Sign. It's right there. Should I steal it ? Hmmm... | |
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I sell fresh eggs. They're nutritious ! Please buy this beautiful, beautiful egg ! Please ? ↓ |
(Yes) You're concerned about your health, even though you're young. That'll be 12 big ones. ↓ |
(No) You won't get through your teen years without at least one egg. Please buy this beautiful egg.Please ! ↓ |
(Yes) Okay, here you are... one egg to go ! |
(No) Ok, but your teen years will be ruined just because you didn't buy an Egg. |
(Goods is full) Eggs are easily broken.There's no way to stuff it in with your other things if you have no more room... |
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Would you like some bananas ? Hei kid ! Do you want to buy some ? ↓ |
You want the Banana ? Thank you, thank you. I have more bananas... Do you want some more ? ↓ |
(No) Well, when you want to eat bananas, I'll be here, selling them ! |
(Yes) Hei kid ! Do you want to buy some ? (Goods is full) You cannot carry any more. |
(No) Thank you. |
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Hey, why don't you buy the world's greatest Ruler. ↓ |
(Yes) Thank you ! That's 2 clams ! ↓ |
(No) Do you think it's hot ? Look, I didn't steal it... |
(Yes) Here you go, one Ruler ! (Goods is full) You said "yes" - that's short and to the point. But you don't have any more room... Get rid of something and come back. I'll be here. |
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I like to sell my goodies on the street. Sure, flies land on them, but in my opinion, it makes them taste even better ! What would you like ? (MENU) Cookie ? Thank you very much. Do you want to buy anything else ? ↓ |
(Yes) What would you like ? |
(No) Thanks a lot. |
Please come again. (Goods is full) You are already carrying too much stuff. You should sell some things, or throw them away, or just leave them somewhere. |
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I own an antique shop. No one is buying or selling anything, so I was thinking of selling the "For Sale" Sign that sits in front of me. It's only 98 dollars. Please buy it. ↓ |
(Yes) If you want to sell something, use this "For Sale" Sign. Customers will flock to you. |
(No) I bet you'll regret not buying it. |
(Goods is full) I can't help you if you're carrying too many things... So, did the "For Sale" Sign help you ? Yeah, I was the one that sold it to you. |
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Hey mon ! You got to expand your mind an' use this stuff creatively. C'mon, buy some of my junk ! ↓ |
(Buy) So, what would you like, mon ? ↓ |
(Sell) What is it you want to sell ? |
(MENU) Defense spray ? Thank a lot, mon. Is there anything else you need, mon ? (Goods is full) Well, you're straining with too many things now. I'll buy the things you don't need, mon. ↓ |
(No) A scientific mon might be able to make good use of this here thing... |
(Yes) What is it you want to sell ? |
(No) Take care, mon ! |
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Wah ha ha ha ha ! Why don't we chat later-after we've locked horns ! ![]() Yes, I'm Everdred, boss of Burglin Park. When I jumped off the roof, I twisted my ankle. Anyway, I lost and nothing will change that. You know, you're pretty strong. Yeah, I know that you want to find out about a girl named Paula. She went off to a secret hideout in the Peaceful Rest Valley. A chubby boy and a weird guy in a blue outfit have kidnapped her, though. They said that they were going to make Paula some sort of human sacrifice. They were definitely hard-core strange. You know, she might be gone already. You'd better hurry. If you save Paula, be sure to come back here, okay ? Don't forget ! If you save Paula, be sure to come back here, okay ? Don't forget ! |
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(Happy-Happy Village ahead.) (Cross bridge to Happy-Happy Village) |
![]() | If you go to the east, you could run into trouble. Peaceful Rest valley and Happy-Happy Village are waiting for you. I've also heard that there are UFO's in the Peaceful Rest Valley. | |
![]() | (Peaceful Rest Valley ahead. Proceed through cave.) | |
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Humm dee dum dum dum. I'm hunting for mushrooms ! I'm going to collect a ton ! (When Ness is Mushroomized) Hey ! Would you be willing to sell that mushroom on your head for $50 ? ↓ |
(Yes) Thank you. Such a great mushroom. I'm so happy I got it. |
(No) Ohhh... It's your special mushroom. |
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(I'm not an enemy. I'm just a regular mole. Would you like to know about how to survive battles ?) ↓ (Yes) (You may have noticed that, when you have been badly hurt in battle, you may survive a mortal attack and still have 1 HP. If this has happened, it was because of you Guts. Your survive may depend on your Guts level. Also, more Guts helps you get more SMAAAAASHing hits. Beyond Guts, you should have noticed that it takes some time for damage to be taken from you. This is because of the rolling action of your HP meter. Oops ! I mean your life. If an enemy deals mortal damage to you, but you defeat all enemies before your life is gone, you survive. This is all know.) (No) (Well, you seem to know a lot already, even if you don't look like it.) (I am not your enemy. I am just a plain ol' mole. You are certainly stronger than you were while wandering around Onett. Have you ever suddenly gotten the "You Won" message when you met a weak enemy ? That's sure-fire proof that you've become stronger. You don't want to waste your time fighting wimpy enemies, do you ?) |
![]() | (For some weird reason, a pencil-shaped iron statue is blocking the path.) |
Receiver phone |
Hello... this is the Apple Kid. I've just finished work on this great invention ! Get over here as fast as you can ! This thing is soooo cool ! See you soon ! Slam ! Beeeep... |
![]() | Are you looking for that so-called genius, Apple Kid ? As a true genius, I'll tell you that he's in Burglin Park, looking for you. |
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I'm feeling really out of it because I've been working all night, but finally the Pencil eraser is ready. This machine will eradicate all pencil-shaped figures in just one second. It's incredibly powerful. Just don't use it near a shop that sells pencils. Here, it's yours now. (Ness got the Pencil eraser.) If I invent some other brilliant item, I'll call you. Oh, it won't fit in your backpack. Come back after you have gotten rid of some stuff. This machine will eradicate all pencil-shaped figures in just one second. It's incredibly powerful. Just don't use it near a shop that sells pencils. I'll call you if I invent another brilliant item. |
![]() | I am a mouse. My master, Apple Kid, has been waiting for you. We started to nod off while waiting... |
![]() | Ness used the Pencil Eraser. For some weird reason, the iron pencil statue was erased ! |
![]() | I wonder who made the bridge impassable ? Why would someone do this ? Crud... |