
Pippi's House
Oh, what can I do ?
What should I do ?
Where can I go ?
Who can I see ?
What should I do ?
What should I do ?
My little Pippi is gone.
If you're going to Podunk...
Please tell the Mayor.
Oh me, oh my !

Welcome to Podunk
Did a poltergeisut visit your house ?
It tore mine apart.
Has the little girl who strayed into the cemetery been rescued ?
Hee Hee Hee... I am the noisy mouse.
Some buildings you can enter, some you cannot.
If the door is round, or has a sign, go on inside.
The rest of the doors will not open for you.
Bye !
The receptionist at City Hall is so gorgeous.
Don't tell me you've been south to the cemetery !
Ha-ha... You shall become a Zombieeee !
Zombie !
Be honest, you're a zombie.
Aren't you ?
There is no cure for zombies !
Are you really a human ?
It's amazing you came here.
You see... Don't tell anyone,
but I'm so scared,
I wet my pants.
Someone must be controlling the dead.
It's convenient that the cash machine is next to the Service Counter,
but, why should I care.
I don't have a card for it.
The Canary Village is northwest from here.
It's a nice place to visit and admission is free !
The animals went mad and began to escape, so the Zoo was locked.
The animals went mad and out of control.
The dead became zombies and began attacking people.
What can be done ?
To EAT, you'll find Bread stale,
but, with its Crumbs you can mark your trail.
Do you think I talk too much ?
Well do I ?
Zombies may be anywhere in this town.
You... Are you really going to the cemetery ?
I thought you were a sensible child.
The gentleman in Canary Village is my idol.
The Town Mayor is looking for a brave man.
Hey MIKE, how's your asthma ?
Mine has gotten better, but car exhausts still sets it off.