
Reindeer Station
Get on the train, or you will have a hard time like me.
Are you going to Snowman ?
I found this Hat.
I believe it's the property of a girl who lives there.
Please take it to her.
I had something to ask you.

High in the mountains, lives an old man.
Legends say he hasn't had a cold in 300 years.
I wish that I had a bicycle.
I am a man whose existence does not matter.
My importance is so small, that I may not be missed should I disappear.
The store will buy good medicine for good money.
This town has become dangerous !
But it's still a much better place than Ellay.
Gasp !! You startled me.
For college credit I study indoor architecture.
That's the whole truth, and nothing but the truth !!
I don't believe in Psychic Powers.
Oh yeah ? Are you ready ? All-right !!
Hey !! Wanna hear my song !?
Fine, be that way.
The good-looking boy sang a quite a unique song.
MIKE did not want to remember this strange melody.
It's time to say good-bye...
Somewhere in the town of Spookane...
I heard that there's a gh... gho.. ghost.. Ghost house !!
Don't you ever dare to go there !!
( MIKE tried Telepathy )
Did you hear the Dragon's lullaby ?
I love this town !
I wouldn't be caught dead in Spookane !
Ha ha !
This is a residential area, please keep quiet.
Would you like to make a donation to my charitable fund ?
I heard someone died from a cold. Just a cold !
There's a flu going around here. Cough, cough.
I remember walking through the tunnel when I was young.
I went to see what was on the other side.
Oh, I'm so full !!
Go ahead, poke your nose into other people's business.
It's what makes playing the game so fun.
Hey kid ! Just hold onto this money for me.
Don't tell the cops or anyone about it !
Don't run away with it !
Just do what I tell you !
Leave me alone !
Can't you see I 'm incognito ?

You thought I was going to beg for food, didn't you ?
I wouldn't do that, even though I am ever so hungry.
Give me something. Whatever it is, just give it to me.
Gimme gimme. Please, give me.
Why won't you give it to me ? I said please ?
I promise, I 'll give you something in return.
What are you going to give me ?
I 'm thinking of something
@nice to give you.
Thanks a lot. To show my gratitude I 'll give you this Flea Bag.
Please take it.
The old man on the mountain is so generous...
He'll give you as you can possibly carry.
I love life in the city !
I look so great in cute dresses !
Did you see the man with the slick mustache ?
Must have lost him. Couldn't help it...
Anyhow, I must go check for parking violations now.
He's a swindler !
Please let me know if you see him.
Have you seen the woman with a big belly ?
Must have lost her. Couldn't help it...
Anyway, I'm going to check for speeders instead.
She ate 5 HAMBURGERs,
then ran away without paying.
If you see her, let me know !
It's cash, then carry 'round here boy...
It's not that I don't trust you, but...